Welcome to Santa On The Air
Presented by EMS.VirginiaBeach.gov
Welcome to Santa On The Air
Presented by EMS.VirginiaBeach.gov
Presented by EMS.VirginiaBeach.gov
Presented by EMS.VirginiaBeach.gov
Here's a message from Santa Claus
Santa on the Air is dedicated to the memory of EMT-B William "Bill" Laws, who was a true Santa Claus to so many! Santa on the Air began in 2004. During the holiday season, some children become especially concerned if EMS, Police or Fire are dispatched to them.
If possible, before you put the child on the air please call (757) 385-5033. This phone number is for First Responders ONLY.
1. Quickly tell Santa a few things about the situation, such as:
- What caused the 911 call?
- Who is involved (the child, Mom, Dad, Grandma, etc.)?
- What is the FIRST NAME ONLY of the child or children?
2. If phone contact is not working or time is of the essence, contact NORTH POLE 1 directly via radio on YOUR Orion channel.
Virginia Beach: Orion L01
Norfolk: OR1; L01
Chesapeake: Orion L01
Virginia State Police Zone 34: L01
Navy Regional Fire/Rescue: - Use local jurisdiction radio
This program is for every public safety provider and 911 dispatcher in Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake.
In a new twist, the good folks at Sentara Princess Anne Hospital realized they can call Santa, too! With help from EMS-7, they put a young boy on the air. He’s at SPAH because his father is sick. He seems a bit surprised to hear from the man in red, but
Santa quickly reassured the young fellow that everyone was going to take good care of his Dad, and of him. The young boy relayed a “Merry Christmas” to his favorite reindeer, Rudolf. The red-nosed reindeer just happened to hear that, and Santa thanked him for his greetings. He reminded the lad to go to bed early this year so he could visit his house this Christmas. A satisfied “Okay!” came through, confirming the appointment.
EMS-7 seems to be searching for opportunities for Santa this year, because he’s back, this time from Virginia Beach General Hospital. He’s accompanied by two young boys who are there because their family member is being cared for. Santa is in for a surprise, though. Apparently, the boys really wanted to talk to the elves. Santa sends his regrets, because he’s currently flying in the sleigh, and the elves are several thousand feet down. They settled for sending Christmas wishes to Rudolf. The boys then asked for a puppy! Santa regrets that he couldn’t promise that without talking to their parents. The boys asked for two games. Santa promises to put their requests in directly to the elf team, and that Christmas will find them soon. The boys have to go to visit their family member in the ER, so EMS-7 and Santa sign off.
The young boy had no idea Santa was so close, and so the little guy was momentarily subdued when Father Christmas called the officer on his radio, and asked to speak to the boy. He quickly recovered, and immediately stated he was a good boy, and began asking Santa about toys from “Paw Patrol”, which Santa did confirm were available in the warehouse. And since he had been such a good boy at CHKD as a patient this year, he felt certain one of those would be in his pack this Christmas. Santa praised him for how good he had been for his Dad, but reminded him that he needs to be good for Mom, too. The boy seemed willing to comply, but was distracted by the need to tell Santa he was going to the airport. Santa asked him, how would he be able to find him at the airport? But it seems he was just going to go get his Grandmother and come back home. He promised cookies were made for Santa. Wonderful! The two talked about the good reports from the Elf on the Shelf. Santa did ask him to be sure to eat all his food to stay strong, and he would be visiting this Christmas Eve. The young boy’s transmission ended with a soft but sincere, “Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas.”
Seems the folks on patrol in their cities can just tell when a youngster has Christmas wishes on their mind. Norfolk 128 Ocean found a girl at Target who asked the officer where to find Santa, because she needed to confirm her Christmas list requests. She began speaking to the senior elf to quickly say her list had EVERYTHING on it she hoped to receive. Santa had to qualify her statement, because he didn’t even know her name! She gave him her name. She had been shopping for a treatment for a splinter, but had spotted the officer and asked for his help. The young girl plans to spend time at church and with family this holiday, and her #1 request on her list is roller skates. Another request for a certain kind of dress will need to be handled by Mrs. Claus, because she’s the fashion authority at the North Pole. “Okay, well don’t let me keep you. Thank you, and I’ll see you soon!” Mr. C. wished the girl and her family a very Merry Christmas, and likewise to the officer.
The ELFNET emergency flare sends Santa quickly to the radio and hailing 1524P, who is enroute to the hospital with a little boy. Seems he, in the excitement of a game of tug-of-war with his brother, accidentally took a tree branch to the face. 1524P reports a laceration to the boy’s right cheek, but more importantly, he’s worried about Christmas coming. Ol’ S.C. told the boy he was with a great ambulance crew, and after they help care for him, would he still try to feel better and have a great Christmas? “My cheek hurts,” was the first reply. After Santa reassured him that the magic crystal snow ball reveals that the scratch will probably heal pretty well, he then pulled out the Good Boys and Girls Book. Turning the page to the boy’s name, the toymaker confirmed he, his brother, AND his older sister are on the good list this year. The boy said he was feeling better and had worked hard to be on the list, especially in social studies, science and math. In fact, his letter to Santa included wishes for a science kit and a game. As the ambulance made landing at the hospital, the little guy promised to be good for the nurses, to which St. Nick wished him, his family and all on 1524 a very Merry Christmas!
The radio had barely returned to the charger when the ELFNET again alerted Father Christmas to a very scared little girl in VB. Turning to the magic crystal snowball, Santa picked up the mic and called 820R, on scene with a young girl who had fallen and taken a bump to the head. Saying hello to the small girl, Santa hoped to hear some measure of hope in her voice. Mom and the crew encouraged her to say hello back to Santa, but she was very scared with all of the excitement and the ouchie on her noggin, so she just held on to Mom and looked at the radio. Santa understands, and simply told her she and her brother were in for a very nice Christmas Day as long as she promised to go to bed early. She seemed willing (given what the old boy heard back on the Motorola), but her brother took the opportunity to say hello to Santa. Santa addressed the little guy with thanks for being brave for his sister. He then stated he was simply glad she is feeling better, even if she is scared, and that he was even happier both kids would get to spend Christmas at HOME. A very Merry Christmas wished to all in the home, and to the good crew on 820R.
The Santa phone rings, and the Norfolk police officer on the other end of the line relays a gut-wrenching account of what has occurred to a little four-year-old girl currently at CHKD. The tiny girl is being checked out by the staff, but regardless of how well she is feeling, she can’t go home to her tree, her presents, her Christmas. Her holiday may well have been completely stripped away from her this year. The investigator asks Santa if there is any way he could take some time to talk to her. “Norfolk 583, this is North Pole One, Santa Claus calling!” The investigator responds immediately when he hears Santa’s crystal snowball showed the little girl was at the hospital, and he hoped to talk to her. 583 thought that was a great idea, telling her Santa wanted to say hi. She initially wasn’t sure, but then chimed right up on the air with “Hello!” Santa told her he knew she wasn’t sure what was going on, but lots of good people were there to help take care of her. He also relayed she is known as a real character around the workshop, being such a fan of her Jordan shoes and her purse. 583 replied she had big smiles and laughter when she heard that from Santa Claus. But her next statement took everyone, especially Santa, by complete surprise when she asked what did SANTA want for Christmas? But the answer came easily: he wanted her to have a wonderful Christmas! He somehow knew that Christmas morning would bring her something special. And another wonderful person wants her to have a great Christmas too. While he was visiting Sesame Street the other day, Elmo asked Santa to say “Hello!” to her for him. The little girl was all smiles because she loves Elmo, and she broke out into the Elmo song. Santa encouraged her to keep singing, because the reindeer love to hear her voice. “That’s a big 10-4, Santa,” said 583. The jolly man in red wished Paris and all her loving family a very Merry Christmas, and please, an equally joyous and meaningful Christmas to 583 and those he loves.
All the flyers have been distributed, the channels are working, and two portable radios and a cell phone are fully charged and sitting on Santa’s desk. In about five and a half hours, Santa will officially be on the air for the 2011 season. Fortunately, Santa isn’t too big on formality, and when the Santa Hotline cell phone chimes early, he was just as prepared as an Eagle Scout. Greeting the caller with “North Pole Operations, Santa here,” he listened to the tale of a hopeful EMT. Unit 2121’s attendant was sorry to call Santa before the program was due to start, but would he mind calling a young fellow at VBGH? Seems they had brought in another patient when they discovered a young man already at the ER. He had suffered a seizure and was receiving treatment. The crew found out he was a fan of Santa Claus, and they decided to make the call. True to his calling, St. Nick’s voice came over the radio moments later, seeking out the young man. “Hello, Santa,” came the boy’s quiet reply. Kris Kringle had received word of his trip to the hospital, and wanted to ensure he was feeling better. Without a doubt, he WAS better, because he hopes to find five new videos under his Christmas tree. Santa said that sounds like a great idea. But just as important was that he get well soon so he was in his own bed on Christmas Eve. He admitted he might snack on Santa’s milk and cookies, but the jolly elf replied that he’s glad to share. “Good job, Santa!” was his happy reply. Wishing the young man, his family, the crew of 2121R and the VBGH doctors and nurses a very Merry Christmas, Santa signed off from his first call of the year.
A VBPD Officer calls Santa on DC-1, while a nervous young girl is hovering close by. It seems the little one is very concerned her Mom, a Virginia Beach dispatcher, won’t make it home in time for Christmas. Santa greeted her with his biggest radio smile. The red-suited man let her in on a VERY big secret. Santa had dispatched her Mom on a special mission for the North Pole, but promised her mother would definitely be cleared and home in time for Christmas with her family. Would that be okay? “That would be awesome!” came the gleeful reply. After shooing Blitzen off the couch, Mr. Claus consulted “The List”, and in short order confirmed that the girl was definitely in the “Good” column this year. “Thank you Santa!” rang across the Motorola. St. Nick asked if a letter had been sent (it had) and what could he bring her this Christmas. Her rapid reply included Barbie clothes and doll clothes. Kris Kringle promised to check the warehouse himself, as the elves were working so hard. But he would soon be on his way to her home, where he would leave gifts for the brave girl and her equally great family. The ol’ boy signed off with a Merry Christmas to the young girl and the officer.
The year actually begins a bit early. Monitoring the radio in earnest beginning at 1800 tonight, Santa is preparing for the first evening. The city assigned cell phone is charged and in hand, and the ready portable radio is ready to go. It was a bit of a surprise when five hours before kick-off, unit 922 hails Saint Nick over the air. Never one to disappoint those who know Santa is real, he quickly returns the call. Their unit responded to the school of a young boy having an anaphylactic reaction (possibly from a Christmas treat with peanuts in it), the schoolboy became very enthused when given the chance to talk to his favorite Christmas visitor. “Hello, Santa,” came the boy’s simple greeting. Mr. Claus quickly let the boy know he had sent an excellent rescue crew to help him so close to Christmas, but wanted to know if he was feeling better. The young boy affirmed he was, and when Santa asked if he could bring him something special, the youngster asked for an item, “…you can play games on.” Santa promised he would do his best, but it was very important the boy get better soon. Over the air Santa heard the paramedic offer a nebulizer mask to the little guy, who advised Santa, “I have to breathe through this now.” The old toymaker told him to listen carefully to the rescue crew. He then wished the boy, his mother and the crew a Merry Christmas, and please stay safe.
Unit 2123 called Father Christmas as he was visiting a good neighbor. A young girl was close by when her grandmother became ill. Grandma was being transported to the hospital (nothing too serious), but she hoped she could get a good word from the senior elf. A very friendly, “Hi Santa,” came from the portable. After jolly salutations, the girl let Santa know she hoped to receive a gift of clothes for her doll. The man in red agreed that sounded like an excellent idea, and he would be very glad to visit her house later that night. She replied, “Me too!” Santa asked the little girl to take good care of herself, her Grandma and Mom, and for all to have a Merry Christmas.
Ho Ho Ho!
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Virginia Beach Emergency Medical Services